Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Well, here I am again posting to myself, I didnt care to share this yet because Im not too constant on it yet. Well, just checking in with myself to see how I've been lately ^_^ Good thing right Nothing much entertaining happens in my life. But as of lately I've been getting obsessed with Silent Hill again. Damn I need a Visa =/ Everything makes me mad these days too I literally have no patience at all. I miss my AL, JF has been acting like crap today I wonder if others are suffering aswell :( My friend is awesome she has a Boifriendo, sorry i spelled it like that...anywayz he seems nice I hope he treats her right or else *pounds fist* Im glad I'll get to see her again soon she said she'd take me around Cali when I get back, wow all the damn nostalgia I tucked away is suddenly rushing back, my old school Isabelle Jackson has a new playground awesome, I remember we played out there everyday damn I miss the old dayz. Does anyone have a tissue I can use to wipe my eyes harhar Im so excited about going back I think I'll bust or something like that lol Some of my old friends don't remember me I bet it was ten yrs ago I left Sac, and Im finally on my way back. It feels more weird than anything, and damn when will I get my new puter, comeone dad lol I can actually use a massage right now and a good chat on MSN with an old friend. So I say bye-bye now and promise I'll be back...before next yr that is lol I'll be back before then okies and I cant wait to have a webcam so I can be live on the web that would be fuckin awesome

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