Friday, July 31, 2009


-When people drive by in there cars and stare at you
-When people talk and in the conv. say the same things over and over
-When people call themselves Macs or Pimps
-When my friends constantly ask to borrow blank CD's
-I absolutely hate people who are arrogant and think the world revolves around them
-When someone uses something thats mine without asking me
-When adults don't clean up after themselves


I read once that a person doesnt believe in god but shes becoming a christian to avoid hell or something like that. my responce: below

Personally I've had troubles in life that makes me doubt gods existence I really dont know what I believe, but I wouldnt pick a religion just in case I die. That is just weird how can you pick god, Jesus cuz you might be scared of death, I happen to not be scared of death at all. I mean we all do die eventually. if I was an Athiest I wouldnt go with Christianity just cuz we all die. I personally think its wrong.


Why some women are attracted to Asses...

enjoyment of hardship: the tendency to invite and enjoy misery of any kind, especially in order to be pitied by others or perhaps admired for forbearance

Its not always money that draws a girl in. I think its a type of Masochism, I have a friend. She seemed to have a nice boyfriend who treated her right. brought her flowers, always said I love you. Instead she broke up with him and dated a guy who was 10 years older than her, always berrated her in public and somtimes i think he may hit her, he also owes child support and drove a humpty, to be quite frank I felt sorry for the guy she broke up with more than her. I do pity the guys who try, I mean geniunely try and get shot down repeatedly by girls. Its like good isn't good enough. Maybe most women do have low self esteem. He's not really anywhere in life yet she lets him treat her like crap and won't listen to anyone but him. At a point in time she lived with my family and I'd cook meals and she'd give all hers to him, she had to lose like 30 pounds, I think thats rediculous. I could never date any guy like that.

Hey ya'll

Sup foos im bored and chattin and stuff. call me LOL

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hmmm School, music, funfun haha...

Been super de duper busy lately, and its just one class so far -_- damn. haha but im okay been listening to hella music too been lovin it hehehe and its been hot as hell....still burnin up at a sexay 93 degrees and its after 7pm haha.

I've also been meeting lots of sexay peoples yesterday i went to a Filipino dining hall where I said goodbye to my friends old family member and we had Filipino food and sexay Filipino peoples *drools* they were hotter than the food.....sorry. hehehe. though the food was fantastic non the less.

Do you like 2ne1s in the club harhar I love that song. *dances* ooh and pretty boy <3

I have an essay due and an exam on thursday I should be studying. lol

baibai i guess

Last week of school till i get break yay *dances* okay now bye