Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Someone made MinMin fall for GAZEROCK and I love you <3

Heya bitches jkjk I love you whoever reads this

Well I just want to say hihi Cali's interesting I finally had Sushiii soooo good I want more sushiiii lolz and I for some odd reason like taking pics now dun kno why maybe i shall share more infact yes, sorry i wear that jacket I love that thing lolz

Heres another for those who love me lolz

I've been strangely addicted to GazettE for great reason there music and there sexayness Rawr, I can't remember who showed me there sexiness and great music but fuckin thankyou who ever you are, if you didnt i would have anyone to fangirl obsess over total weirdness right me? acting like a fangirl?? ahahahah thats hilarious my friends think its odd i can listen to Japanese music and not understand the language yet but I try to tell them as i told everyone else Music is universal ergo you dont need to understand it just love it <3 I could be taking this all wrong but whatever I lovvvvve them and many other Japanese artist, I also cant stand when alot of people type "Jap" can one not finish typing the word out lolz come on

Okay one more pic for my luvas before i say baibai for now:

Sorry bored Minmin takes alot of pics :P I love whoevers reading this if anyone rofl
Wait Nan if you read this was it you that introduced me??? hmmm I love you anyhow <3

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